Build Your Acupuncture Practice

Resources to Build
Your Acupuncture Practice

You are entering the acupuncture profession at an exciting time. Even though it may feel overwhelming to plan and build your acupuncture practice, I assure you that you are not alone and help is available. 

Ten years ago there were very few resources to help acupuncturists get their businesses off the ground. There are still very few resources to start and build your acupuncture practice, but the ones that do exist today are top notch.

There are some good quality FREE resources (like this website), but in the case of building and growing your acupuncture practice some of the very best resources available to acupuncturists are not free. The value you receive in return is worth every penny, and should be regarded as an important investment in your Self, your practice, and your future.

The best resources to help you build your acupuncture practice include:

These recommendations are my personal opinion and are based on my research and what I wish I had access to when I was starting my acupuncture practice. Likewise you have to investigate these resources and determine what programs, books, and systems match your needs and what you are realistically able to utilize.

How to Start Building Your Acupuncture Practice

1. Read, "Build Your Dream Practice"

It is never too early to start learning how to build your acupuncture practice. While you are acquiring your acupuncture license (or appropriate state certification), applying for your acupuncture business license, designing your acupuncture business cards, creating your clinic website, and doing the multitude of other things needed to start your business, you can also begin implementing some simple techniques to help you clarify the type of acupuncture practice you want to create. 

Build Your Dream Practice by Kevin Doherty, LAc, MS

You do not have to guess what steps are needed to build your acupuncture practice because someone has developed a guide to show you the way. Finally an acupuncturist who has already been though the growing pains of starting, building, and growing a successful acupuncture practice has written a "How To" manual for the rest of us!

Kevin Doherty is a licensed acupuncturist in Colorado who understands the hardships and conflicts that acupuncturists face when they are trying to promote their services. He has a put together a top notch guide to give you the perspective, tools, and information you need to design your acupuncture practice to fit who you are and what you want.

See For Yourself:
Download the First Chapter FREE

If you want to build your acupuncture practice around the heart and soul of who you are and be successful with your business, I highly recommend Kevin's book, Build Your Dream Practice. If Kevin's book had been available when I was starting my acupuncture practice, I would have leaped at the chance to get help from someone who recognized and personally experienced the unique problems acupuncturists face trying to get started in business. UPDATE: Kevin Doherty has written a new ebook to help acupuncturists market their acupuncture practice in an easy, cost-effective way. Click Here to read my review.

2. Invest in Acupuncture Business Coaching

A business coach can help you:

  • Sort out your personal, professional, and business goals.
  • Develop and plan your individual business model.
  • Lay out the steps you need to take to build your acupuncture practice.
  • Identify and address potential problems.
  • Save you time and money by avoiding "rookie mistakes".

What if you could get this one-on-one business coaching from an actual, real-life, practicing acupuncturist? Besides writing Build Your Dream Practice, Kevin Doherty, LAc offers individualized business training and coaching to acupuncturists.

To my knowledge, he is the only licensed acupuncturist who provides  one-on-one business coaching to help other acupuncturists build their acupuncture practices. Kevin is a tremendous resource for new acupuncturists and the acupuncture community!

He is uniquely qualified. Not only has he developed his own successful acupuncture practice (in a town that is supposedly saturated with acupuncturists), but he has the heart to turn around and help other acupuncturists who are struggling. He offers several different very reasonably priced packages for acupuncturists to choose from. These include an evaluation of your business with weekly half-hour phone calls and email support. You can decide on whether you want his guidance and expertise for 1 month, 2 months, or 6 months, or even just a one-time consultation.

In the world of business and life coaching, Kevin's fees are very reasonable. There is no doubt that if he was offering these business coaching services when I graduated from acupuncture school, I would have invested in them. What I would have saved in time, money, and frustration would have been well worth it.

I encourage you to look into and invest in Kevin Doherty's one-on-one business coaching services to help you build a strong and lasting foundation for your successful acupuncture practice.

3. Investigate Online Business & Marketing Coaches

Acupuncturists can learn from the many qualified people online who are offering their expertise about entrepreneurial concepts, marketing methods, and business strategies. Do not be afraid to sign up for their newsletters (most are free) or online courses. Some even offer teleseminars (live seminars by phone) where you can ask questions and benefit learn from other business owners facing the same challenges as you. None of these people are acupuncturists like Kevin Doherty, LAc but they do have reputable credentials and business experience that are worth investigating.

  • Eric G. Schneider of 
    Eric Schneider, D. Min. is the "Chief Inspirational Officer" behind and he has been guiding, motivating, and helping acupuncturists build their acupuncture practices for years. He offers a FREE e-book entitled "52 Integrity Based Ways to Fill Your Acupuncture Practice" as well as various online e-courses and tele-classes.

4. Seminars for Filling Your Practice

Although there may be other seminars out there I am only going to mention one. Honora Lee Wolfe and Marilyn Allen used to teach a class called, "How to Make $100,000 Per Year Practicing Acupuncture". This valuable seminar has been re-formatted into one of Blue Poppy's Continuing Education Courses

The seminar is now called, "Building a Successful Acupuncture Practice (How to Make $100,000 Per Year Practicing Acupuncture)". and is available in CD format only now. The audio series comes with a notebook filled with practical information and fantastic resources. Do not let the $295 price tag on this package deter you. This is excellent information provided by some of the most qualified people in our field. 

Honora Lee Wolfe, DiplAc, LAc, FNAAOM has been a strong force in recognizing the need for acupuncturists to get better training in business and marketing and was one of the first to develop a program to provide these services. These are great resources for new and experienced acupuncturists. We all owe Honora Lee Wolfe a great debt of thanks and appreciation for her vast contribution to ensure the success of acupuncturists and the acupuncture profession.

Marilyn Allen is the editor for Acupuncture Today and she is a tremendous asset to the acupuncture community. Besides having an extensive background in practice management, ethics, malpractice, and marketing, Marilyn is a strong advocate for the acupuncture profession. She is the current director of marketing for the American Acupuncture Council, which is a leader in providing affordable comprehensive malpractice insurance to acupuncturists. Marilyn Allen's education, experience, and enthusiasm makes her a highly sought after teacher and speaker. 

Both of these women are dedicated to promoting the acupuncture profession and helping new acupuncturists find their way in the business world. "Building a Successful Acupuncture Practice" is a very worthwhile investment. (Plus you can get CEU credits by taking the online quizzes!) 

5. Ask For Help and Offer Solutions:
Join Acupuncture Forums and Blogs

The acupuncture community is growing. New and experienced acupuncturists are providing resources, encouragement, and humor via online forums and blogs. These are great places to get ideas, ask questions, offer solutions, connect with colleagues, and build your acupuncture practice.

Some of the best Acupuncture Blogs and Forums I have found are:

Use these resources to ask for help when you need it and provide help when you are able to give back. The acupuncture community is strong and getting stronger. 

We are a diverse group with varying opinions and goals. Use what helps you build your acupuncture practice and fulfill your personal and professional goals. Then start your own blog and tell the rest of us how you created, built, and grew your own successful acupuncture practice!

Go To "Builid Your Dream Practice" 

Go To "Never Market Again" 

Go to the Acupuncture Marketing Bookstore 

Read "Complementary and Alternative Marketing" by Lisa HAnfileti, LAc

Acupuncture Marketing Book