
The world would be an even better place with more of these bright, unique and dedicated healers. I would like to see every acupuncturist reaching a comfortable level of success so he or she can help as many people as possible for as long as possible.

The question is… how does an aspiring acupuncturist (like me), who has little experience (and even less interest) in business planning, practice management and financial anything, plan, start and grow a successful acupuncture practice?

Almost 15 years ago I was asking myself that question. And avoiding a whole bunch of other questions. I just did not have an inclination for business and naively resisted the whole notion of practice management and marketing. 

I often wished I had a real-life acupuncturist who had "been there, done that" to guide me along the way. 

This website is an answer to that wish. 

I am a Licensed Acupuncturist with a full-time acupuncture practice who has developed Insights-For-Acupuncturists.com to provide FREE Information and Resources to you, whether you are:

When I graduated from acupuncture college, all I wanted was to BE an Acupuncturist and ignore everything else.

"All I want to do is 
practice Acupuncture"

I was dragged kicking and screaming into the world of the self-employed. And now, years later I can actually say words like, "B&O Taxes", "Profit & Loss Statement", and "Federal Tax I.D. Number" without getting sick!

Fortunately, through plenty of hard work and LOTS of help I was able to build a successful acupuncture practice. Now I want to pass on what I learned, to help YOU get your acupuncture practice up & running with a solid foundation beneath it.

Insights-For-Acupuncturists answers all the questions I had when I was pushed from my cozy college nest and forced to fly.

The goal of this website is to help you plan, market, manage, and enjoy your own Successful Acupuncture Practice so that you can:

  • Avoid common (and often costly) errors.
  • Create an organized file system for your financial records.
  • Plan for your future, including school loan repayment & retirement preparation.
  • Monetize your unique knowledge, experience, and skills.
  • Explore strategies for supplemental & passive income.
  • Think "outside the box" about what success means to YOU.

Although your acupuncture school curriculum will address some of your practice management concerns, these valuable courses and seminars are often "too little too late" or "too much, too soon". 

Like Goldilocks, I hope this website gets it "juuust right"!

Use the information provided here as practical guidance to support your endeavors to become a successful business owner and happy acupuncturist.

Always seek out the advice and support of qualified professionals when opening or modifying your acupuncture practice.

If you are relatively comfortable with business terminology and entrepreneurial concepts, or like me, intimidated by the mere mention of profit margins and marketing, you may benefit from examining the following:

Concepts, Strategies & 
Resources For Acupuncturists

This website is expanding to include additional quality content, but the acupuncture profession is changing rapidly and it is a challenge to keep up. As you build your career in acupuncture, remember you are not alone. Check back here often for support and encouragement.

Get instant updates as new information arrives to this website by Subscribing to the Insights-For-Acupuncturists RSS Feed.

My hope for you is that ultimately you will enjoy your very own acupuncture practice of your dreams! 

Because I really, REALLY believe... 

The World Needs More Acupuncturists!

Be One!