Books For Business

Acupuncture Business Books & Marketing Resources

The number of acupuncture business books has increased dramatically in the past 5 years. This is good news for acupuncturists! Especially because some of this excellent information is FREE, like my free ebook & video, "10 Big Mistakes I Made Opening My Acupuncture Practice & What You Can Do To Avoid Them".

Other books and resources cost money and are well worth the investment. I have collected some of what I consider to be the best and most helpful and inspiring acupuncture practice management and business books to help you start, build, and grow your acupuncture practice. 

These are "musts" to include in your acupuncture business building resource library:

NEW**! Acupuncture Business Academy - Comprehensive business & marketing training program just for acupuncturists. 

For more recommendations, including books for patient education, self-treatments, and encouragement, visit my Acupuncture Marketing Bookstore

Acupuncture Marketin Books and Resources

See All the Books in the Acupuncture Marketing Bookstore 

More Resources for Acupuncturists 

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