Jack Canfield

What Do Acupuncturists Have  
In Common With Jack Canfield?

Jack Canfield is a multi-millionaire, well on his way to becoming a billionaire. He is the co-author of the Chicken Soup For The SoulĀ® series and holds a Guinness Book world record for having the most books (7) on the NYT best-sellers list simultaneously. 

What on earth could Jack Canfield possibly have in common with an acupuncturist?

The answer might surprise you.

It is very easy to write him off as some kind of slick salesman. Or convince ourselves that his success was due to being lucky, knowing the "right" people, having few if any obstacles, being in the right place at the right time, or having some kind of easy path to fame and fortune that is not accessible to people like us.

And since fame & fortune are traditionally NOT among the aspirations of acupuncturists, why should we even bother to compare ourselves to Jack Canfield? 

I'll tell you why. When he started out on his career path, Jack was just like us. An energetic combination of idealism & ignorance. 

He did not grow up privileged or entitled. In fact, he had the same obstacles many of us face in one form or another; a dysfunctional family, divorced parents, working class background, and ingrained self-limiting beliefs about what was possible in life.

I have studied his book, The Success Principles, and I've listened to his free teleseminars, e-zines, and online articles. Acupuncturists possess the same qualities that turned him from an inner city school teacher making $8000 a year into a successful best-selling multi-millionaire author who values "a steady state of wellness, balance, happiness and inner peace." 

But you do not have to take my word for it. Read his book. In it you will find he is not so different from us.

Like Jack Canfield, Acupuncturists have:

  • Passion
  • Commitment
  • Expertise
  • Curiosity
  • Vision

What Can Acupuncturists 
Learn From Jack Canfield?

Jack was rejected by 144 publishers and he was $150,000 in debt before a little-known publisher agreed to publish his book, Chicken Soup For The Soul.

You might think that after he got his book published that sales just took off on their own. But you would be wrong. Very wrong.

Jack and his co-author, Mark Victor Hansen, spent the next two years actively going out, practically door-to-door, trying to get people to buy their book. They really believed that their book could be a best-seller, even when their publisher did not think it was possible.

Their success was not immediate nor easy. It took hard work, focus, and a belief that success was possible.

Today, Chicken Soup For The Soul is a series of 60 best-selling books, with over 80 million copies sold in 39 languages around the world. Successful, right? In our eyes, we would probably all agree YES he is successful.

But Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen redefined their goals for success. Remember each of us gets to decide what success means to us. They decided to aim a little higher. Their new goal is to sell 1 Billion books by the year 2020. Every day they use visualization techniques and get their minds in a place where they are making decisions and taking action "as if" those 1 billion books have already been sold.

In teleseminar held February 15th, 2007, Jack reported that he just heard word that a Chinese governmental agency has agreed (in theory) to print the Chicken Soup For The Soul books in Chinese AND in a combination of both Chinese and English as a means to teach English in schools.

Do you know the population of China? Do the math.

Acupuncturists can learn more about business from Jack Canfield than from any acupuncture practice management book, because he teaches the importance of your frame of mind. You do not have to be an expert in business, marketing, or management to be successful. You simply must be willing to: 

  • Know yourself
  • Ask for help
  • Identify your goals
  • Listen to feedback
  • Love what you do
  • Focus on your goals
  • Believe you can achieve them
  • Visualize your success,
  • Take Action and
  • Persevere!

If you can develop and accept your "business-mind" as a means to know your true self more deeply, I have no doubt that you will find joy in every aspect of Being a Successful Acupuncturist.

Make a commitment actively know what makes you happy. What better testament of success is there than being happy?